A vision based on pure science enables us to empower true organic farmers across India and to deliver organic foods across the world via a sustainable food chain. We maintain transparent purity by monitoring, controlling, and improving self-made bio inputs, farming practices, in-house processing, and packaging. Our entire food chain ecosystem is a result of a dedicated r&d by our experts keeping purity, science, and health on priority.
Identifying and producing proper food is an ongoing challenge for the entire world and the continuous increase in usage of harmful chemicals and pesticides at the farm level has another major issue. Knowingly or unknowingly farmers are using harmful synthetic pesticides to control many diseases and to increase overall yield but they are slowly poisoning their land which will die in the future or produce toxic elements in the form of food.
Our aim is to raise awareness and implement authentic food production procedures. We identify the right food for the right health using pure science. We have proper expertise to educate and guide our farmers to grow food using organic farming practices. Organic food is the only effective solution to save animals, micro-organisms, human lives and our mother nature.
Our Products
AmaranthAmaranth is a highly nutritional pseudocereal, and is a protein powerhouse.
- Good sources of zinc, magnesium, iron and are considered vital sources of the essential vitamin.
Amaranth is great in porridge or polenta style recipes. It can also be popped like popcorn! Amaranth has a peppery taste with a pleasantly sweet, grassy aroma. It pairs well with squash, corn, sesame, cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate.
- Amaranth Seed – throughout year
Quantity: In Bulk
Chia Seed
Chia SeedAn excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium makes this tiny seed a superfood. This superfood reduce the risk of many adverse health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality.
Being a tasteless seed, it can be easily used along with many foods.
Coriander Seed
Coriander SeedCoriander is full of antioxidants that demonstrate immune-boosting, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Coriander reduce unpleasant digestive symptoms like bloating and discomfort, protect your skin from aging and sun damage.
It help lower your blood sugar, fight infections, and promote heart, brain, skin, and digestive health.
- Coriander Seed
- Coriander Seed Powder
Cumin Seed
Cumin SeedCumin is rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants and is also known to be antibacterial and antiseptic. It has a distinct aroma, woody, and hot flavor that is unique to the spice. It can solve tummy woes, fortify the digestive tract, relieve nausea, and bloating, and constipation.
Including cumin in your diet could help boost your blood circulation.
- Cumin Seed
- Cumin Seed Powder
Dill Seed
Dill SeedDill seeds also known as sowa in Hindi, is a herb that not only adds flavour to your food but also helps keep you healthy. A special ingredient among Indian curries, dill seeds are mainly used for the tangy and appetizing flavour they add to foods. Used from leaves to seeds, this plant does immense good for your body, right from regularising your digestive system to enhancing your immunity and controlling blood pressure.
- Dill Seed
Fennel Seed
Fennel SeedFennel seed is considered among highly nutritious spices as it offers an abundance of impressive health benefits. Adding them to your diet may improve heart health, reduce inflammation, suppress appetite, and even provide anticancer effects.
A concentrated source of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamin c, iron, selenium, and magnesium.
- Fennel Seed
- Fennel Seed Powder
Fenugreek Seed
Fenugreek SeedThese tiny, amber-colored seeds have essential nutrients and properties to cure a range of common ailments. This herb has diverse uses along with many potential health benefits and is very helpful in controlling blood sugar, treatment of diabetes, weight loss, is good for your liver, kidneys, and metabolism.
- Fenugreek Seed
- Fenugreek Seed Powder
Flax Seed
Flax SeedFlaxseed is a good source of many nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber. Flaxseeds are a rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid ala which are proven to have heart health benefits and lower risk of stroke. enough fiber packed in each tiny seed improves your digestive health and lowers blood pressure.
- Brown Flax Seed
MaizeMaize is known as queen of cereals, and its importance lies in the fact that it is not only used for human food and animal feed but at the same time it is also widely used for corn starch industry, corn oil production, baby corns etc. It can be utilised in many different forms by converting it into a variety of products, through grinding, alkali processing, boiling, cooking and fermenting.
- Yellow Corn Seed / Maize Seed – throughout year
Quantity: In Bulk
MoringaMoringa leaves are rich in many important nutrients, including protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, riboflavin and iron.Moringa oleifera is rich in various antioxidants, including quercetin and chlorogenic acid. Moringa leaf powder can increase blood antioxidant levels.Moringa leaves may lead to reduced blood sugar levels, but more research is needed before any solid recommendations can be made. Moringa oleifera has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.Moringa oleifera can lower your cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.Moringa oleifera may protect against arsenic toxicity.
- Dried Moringa Leaves
- Moringa Leaf Powder
Mustard Seed
Mustard SeedThe mustard seeds are rich in a variety of nutrients. Mustard paste is a low calorie way to add flavor and a dash of nutrients to your meals. Mustard oil is known for its strong flavor, pungent aroma, and high smoke point along with many health benefits. Mustard is rich in glucosinolates and powerful antioxidants, both of which promote health and may protect against various diseases.
- Mustard Seed
Quinoa Seed
Quinoa SeedA superfood that has all essential amino acids along with fiber, minerals, and various vitamins. Quinoa is an excellent source of protein, fiber, iron, copper, thiamin, and vitamin b6 along with magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and folate.
This easily digestible grain is very beneficial for heart health, hypertension, diabetes, lowering cholesterol, and weight loss.
- White Quinoa Seed
- Red Quinoa Seed

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